
69 years of free democratic country. 69 years of freedom and independence where you have the right to think and live the way you want. Freedom hah!

It’s the word we all like, isn’t it. But what is freedom to you. Is it freedom from social responsibility, freedom to ignore the true values of life? Is it that “its my life, its now or never” kind of attitude where you go on doing what ever you feel like and give a dam about anything. Or is it a style factor to say “I am 18 now and I have the right”. This generation of ours especially in the metros is so caught up in this fast life, where everyone is trying to outsmart the other, where we face so much of peer pressure that in the process of being on top, being noticed or popular or you can say successful, we tend to ignore or over look our conscience, principles in life. What I am saying is if you just sit back and think for a while you will see we have taken this so called freedom too far. Now it’s become too artificial. For instance isn’t it a matter of style to say “dude I am a little tense I need a light” or lets go pubbing, have some beer or to talk about your ex like “you know my first ex was like this my second or third ex was like that”. For some it’s in vogue to have one night stands, to get into physical relationships. My question to you is, were you like this all your life. Till you started smoking did you always need a cigarette before you applied your mind? Or was it that whenever you went out with friends you always had the urge to drink? Were you always this person who got into physical relationships and then bragged about it? Where we are going with allthis. Is this right way to live life? I don’t think so. Often we keep hearing about the rise in death toll due to cancer, AIDS and so many innumerable kinds of diseases, all due to this misconception of the so called word FREEDOM!

I say defiantly this is not what Freedom is for. Freedom is to lead a fruitful life. Freedom is to enjoy life but in the rightful manner.

The Lord created us so that we could enjoy this life on earth, live life according to his desire and thereafter be worthy for a place in His kingdom. The road to heaven is very narrow and difficult but the road to hell is very broad and easy. If we choose the narrow way we will face a lot of difficulty, like we might face rejection from our friends for not being interesting anymore, we might face difficulty in office for being true to yourself. But finally success will be yours. However if you choose the broad and easy way, you will get success but it will be temporary, finally you will definitely fail. So it’s left to us what we want to choose.

Enjoy Freedom but in the right way.

Happy Independence Day

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