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Celebrate Christ, this Christmas! - Sharing Hope, Purpose & Life

Celebrate Christ, this Christmas!

Any other year, I would have started this article with, Christmas is in the air. Now, it feels more like Corona is in the air. Finally, it’s December but how Christmas is going to be in the times of Corona is a very unprecedented situation.

Iconic Christmas celebrations around the world are still taking place. Christmas merchandise has started with at least a partial swing. Few decorative stars are hesitantly hung by some in the neighborhood street. So, is it all Christmas about? Lighted stars, Christmas trees, manger, Santa Claus, Christmas carols, new apparels, delightful delicacies? Definitely not but it’s all not unnecessary or irrelevant when done with meaning.

I’ve heard a lot of cliche statements that we should not celebrate with any of the above mentioned activities but only pray to Christ. I don’t believe in such killjoy perspectives, because it never works. For example, if Santa Claus is all a five year old child is obsessed with regarding Christmas, then if you try to narrate the nativity scene by pretending to be  Santa Claus, you made that little kid understand what Christmas is all about. If you say to the same kid, Santa has nothing to do with Christmas, then you’ve just spoiled a lifetime of Christmas for him/her. If another child fantasies only about getting the perfect Christmas tree, then you can explain how Christ sacrificed himself for our redemption just like the tree and so on with each tradition.

Many millions of people celebrate Christmas. But, how many of them celebrate Christ? Like I said above, celebrating Christ doesn’t mean you should fast and pray on Christmas day. While it’s a good spiritual exercise, what I’m trying to suggest is nurture the meaning of Christmas in all you do. Celebrate it your way, your family way, the traditional way but don’t forget to celebrate, the Christ way.

Let’s take a walk down the historical lane to pinpoint three important perspectives to ponder over on Christmas.

Good News To All  

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.”

Luke 2:11

Of course, the good news of the birth of Christ remains the same yesterday, today and forever. The angels visited the shepherds to share the great news. Jesus Christ was born in this world for the rich and the poor, for the haves and the have nots. Many people declare, Christ became poor to redeem us as he was born in a stable wrapped in swaddling clothes. I don’t think so. God did not became poor. He acknowledged the poor by breaking the barriers of the monetary world which judge people according to their social status. It’s more like a king visiting his subjects in disguise. Christ was born in a stable but not without shaking the palace, not without the unusual unique star leading the wise men and not without the heavenly choir soaking the earth with divine harmony. Take pride in nothing like Paul, but being the chosen people of God and spread the good news of Christmas.

A Quest Of Faith   

Where is the child who has been born the king of the Jews? For we observed his star at it’s rising, and have come to pay him homage.”

Matthew 2:2

The three Magis are very significant people in the scene of nativity as science and faith collaborate in their minds and lead them all the way to Bethlehem to pay due honour to the newborn king. They analysed their theory of the star through their study but it demanded faith to pursue a journey following the trail of the star and to believe they will meet Messiah in the predicted destination.  They bring costly gifts such as gold, frankincense and myrrh for infant Jesus which proclaims his royalty and also foreshadows his death. Through Magis we learn that we should study our scriptures logically, trust in God to lead the way, allow faith to take the front seat and stand up for what we believe. The wise men distracted Herod by a deliberate diversion and a step like that takes courage.

Christmas Goals

The ultimate Christmas goal for us should be enlivening what was declared on Christmas day two thousand and twenty years ago, that is

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

Luke 2:14

pretty much sums up everything we have to do on this earth. Work for peace in your family, workplace and everywhere you go. By your good conduct and sincerity, people should be able to admire and acknowledge the Christ you follow. That’s the kind of discipleship Christ desires from us and also is the right way of being a Christian.

Christmas comes whether or not you feel like it or decorate your home but when you make an effort for God, he loves it. But if you involve in every kind of celebration but leave Christ out of it, that’s much worse. Imagine if you’re celebrating a loved one’s birthday and plan an amazing party but forget to invite the person whose birthday it is, how embarrassing it is?

Some of you might have lost your family members, friends or beloved one’s to the pandemic. It’s a difficult time but you can still celebrate by being someone’s ray of hope. Celebration is not all about festive lights or reaching the heights of enthusiasm. It’s all about being the light, even amidst darkness.

If you know people who are struggling financially, lend a helping hand. If anyone you know is lonely or going through a loss, spend time with them and comfort them with your compassion.

Of all the celebrations, Christ will be happy when you follow his teachings and what is that but doing all possible good things. Do something good for someone without ever expecting anything in return. Celebrate Christmas with gratitude, sensibility but more importantly with a soulful heart. Celebrate Christ, this Christmas.

In a world full of dark and uncertain times, all I want for Christmas is Christ. What about you?

A very Merry Christmas to everyone who reads this article and FEBA followers. Just remember, Christmas is not a single day. It’s  a celebration and rejoicing in the birth of Christ.

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