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Let's Break UP!! - Sharing Hope, Purpose & Life

Dear folks,

You heard it right! Let’s Break Up!
I know this is a heartbreaking word!! But still let us make a choice to do so. I believe
sometimes it is the right decision to take a U-turn in our lives. A great start to understand the purpose of our being. To know who we are! To find our own selves.

Therefore dear folks, let us choose to break up with few of the very sensitive and serious things in our lives like
(Depression, Anxiety, Anger, Guilt, Shame, Hurt, jealousy,envy) and UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS.

Do not give your whole selves to these and make them rule over you. Hence break up with them with God’s help and replace all of these with good one’s.

Breaking up with bondage’s/temptations etc is not easy. This definitely includes effort and suffering. Effort to make a choice and wait patiently upon God’s factor to work on us. We are not alone in this again! Let us not forget that Jesus Christ overcame the world. He died on the cross for us, washed us from all our sins and set us free from Bondage, Suffering, Temptations, Sickness, Loss etc and rose again and set an example that we also can overcome them through Christ Jesus and claim the victory through him and become free.

So make a choice to “BREAK UP” and God will help you.

Put OFF your old self and be renewed and put ON the new self…

God Bless!!

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