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Pause. It did not (actually)happen. - Sharing Hope, Purpose & Life

Pause. It did not (actually)happen.

Pause. It did not (actually)happen.

You just imagined it.
All those statistics are a figment of your imagination.
People dying from varied sickness. Outbreaks of diseases. Oxygen shortage. Landslides. Lockdown. Roadblocks. Terrorist attacks.

Actually, it did not happen.
You just imagined it.
Even the other things you got really worried about. Air pollution. Climate change. Environmental concerns. Viruses.

None of it happened.
You tuned into the wrong channel. For a long time.
You scrolled the wrong news feed. For a very long time.

We are all doing well.
Just put your hand over your heart and keep repeating ,’Aal Izz Well’ (All is Well)
Regardless of how bad it gets, all will go well.

It’s time to believe Johny.

Johny, Johny,
Yes papa?
Eating sugar?
No papa.
Telling lies?
No papa.
Open your mouth.
Ha ha ha!

Even if there is sugar in Johnny’s mouth, you got it all wrong. It’s not sugar.

Pause. Nothing you imagined actually happened.


That’s what we have been conditioned to believe every day.
On social media. In our neighbourhood. In our drawing room.
Or we have been suitably brainwashed to follow.
People we wanted to trust. Friends we hoped would not betray us. Leaders we wanted to blindly trust.

Regardless of what you imagine is NOT HAPPENING.

It is happening. All the time.

Injustice. Rapes. Abuse. Corruption. Terror. Attacks. Deception.

It’s happening. Every moment.

What you choose to believe is deeply rooted in what you would like to see happen in your world.

It’s time to remember these golden words from Proverbs:

“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Avoid all perverse talk; stay away from corrupt speech. Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.”

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