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Depending on Christ for Independence - Sharing Hope, Purpose & Life

Depending on Christ for Independence

Independence is the word of the month which keeps ringing as we as a nation gear up to celebrate our 75th Independence Day. At the onset, I wish every Indian a very happy Independence Day and while we have a plethora of thoughts to share about the independence of our nation, allow me to present a perception of the independence one can gain through Christ, our Lord and Saviour.

Independence is a complicated word like its meaning. Independence is a feeling, a state of mind which cannot be so clearly described as it’s felt. Independence is not doing whatever we want. It’s more of realising what we truly want and feeling secure in our choices.

Adam and Eve wanted the freedom to taste the forbidden fruit but the exact thing which showed them an illusion of freedom happens to be a trap of eternal bondage for all of mankind.

Israelites craved the freedom to fall under the image of a false god which was handcrafted before their eyes. Little did they know the depth of God’s rage they brought onto themselves which prevailed for centuries.

 As we turn the pages of the Bible, the list goes on and on about how the destiny of a generation or even the whole of mankind is affected when individuals choose to steer the situation in a different direction contradicting the Lord’s plan.

So, you might think if everything is predestined, then what’s the significance of independence? Independence is a wonderful privilege that a few get to enjoy though it’s supposed to be a fundamental right of every individual. But the freedom offered by God is very different from worldly independence.

Jesus Christ said to his disciples that they needn’t fear the ones who can kill the bodies but only the one who has the power to cast the soul to hell. When we intend to do what is right, have genuine intentions and do not plot evil against others God stands by our side and we need not fear a single person on this earth.

That’s the magnificence of the glorious freedom that only Christ can give you. But to claim it, we have to accept that we should always be dependent on him. By depending on God alone, we gain the strength to achieve absolute independence as we don’t have to depend on anyone anymore.

The Bible says, the truth will set you free and there’s no greater truth than Christ himself. By believing in him, trusting in him and relying on him we attain a state of independence that can never be explained but can only be experienced.

John 8:36  So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

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